What is IOHCF?
The Industrial Open House is designed to build bridges between industry leaders and UET graduating students, and further to foster collaborations between business leaders and academia that can help business to innovate, improve, reduce costs and flourish. The “speed-dating” portion of the Industrial Open House allows industry professional to schedule meetings with specific students and faculty members.
There will also be plenty of opportunities for B2B and B2C networking among all attendees, employers will meet with the students for internships and full- time positions hiring which may involve company presentation, written tests and initial interviews. The students who are not yet looking for an internship or jib, this is a good opportunity to practice interacting professionally with employers and to get to know some major national and international organizations.
What is the timing of the event?
3-4th April,2019
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
What kinds of organizations attend the career fair?
Representatives from a variety of career fields will attend the event. Attending organizations are divided in the following eight themes:
- Manufacturing
- Services
- Computers (Hardware and Software) and Electronics
- Construction / Architecture and Design
- Chemicals, Rubbers, Polymers, Ceramics and Coatings
- Oil and Gas/Natural Resources
- Energy, Environment and Sustainability
- Processing Industry
For Students
Is there any registration required for the students?
No, all graduating students should attend the event, as well as 3rd year students are encouraged to participate for their internships.
Is there any standard format for CV and FYP Poster?
Yes, Standard format for CV as well as FYP poster may be downloaded from the following links:
Poster Format for Final Year Project
Can alumni join the event?
Yes, alumni may join the event.
How can I best prepare for IOHCF?
-Develop your CV on provided format, and get it checked by IOHCF focal person of your department
Do actual interviews take place during the IOHCF?
This is completely up to the employer. Some employers use this forum for screening (and interviews take place afterward) while others schedule in-person interviews during or after the event. Many employers make job offers to candidates.
Do I need a certain GPA?
No, but some employers will have minimum standards, which may include a GPA requirement when deciding whom to invite for interviews after a Fair. Don’t let a low GPA stop you from attending a fair. As a matter of fact, attending Career Fair and making a positive impression could be the ticket to getting an interview regardless of your GPA.
For Industries
What is the registration procedure for industry?
-Reserve your booth by submitting dully filled registration form made in the favor of “Industrial Career Fair”.
-The cross cheque and the dully filled registration form must be posted to “Convener, IOHCF/Chairman Polymer & Process Engineering, UET Lahore.
How many students should we expect?
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore has 10000 students enrolled pursuing 33 different majors. Students, alumni, faculty and staff are invited to participate in this event.
How much space will be provided to industries?
The event will take place in a grassy ground of 9300 Sq. meters, the detailed floor plan can be dowloaded.
Do you have a question that hasn’t been answered above?
If you have such questions, send us an email at [email protected]